What is Title?
The title to your property is your legal proof of ownership. The title is transferred by recording a deed. Our team of professionals is trained to quickly research and identify any issues that you might encounter. Seven Hills Settlement has you covered!
What You Need To Know
It’s very important that you have clear title, and Seven Hills Settlement will work vigorously on your behalf to ensure that you do! As an added protection, Owners title insurance is there to protect you in the event there is a problem with the title.
Oddly enough, it isn’t always the case that someone selling a property has a clear title of ownership, due to mistakes or omissions.

How Can That Happen
•Long-lost relatives or past owners appear with a claim to the property that supersedes yours.
•People fraudulently sell houses that don’t belong to them. For example, the husband of a divorcing couple forges his wife’s signature and absconds with the proceeds of the sale. Legally, the rights of the wife could be upheld and the property considered still hers, regardless of whether an unsuspecting purchaser acted in good faith to acquire it.
•Property is often used as collateral (security against nonpayment). If someone doesn’t pay back their loan, the lien holding lender has a legal right to sell off the property to get their money back—even if the house was sold to a new owner. Unless the debt is paid off and the lien released, the lien stays with the house even when it changes ownership.
•Lenders and county recorders are human, and like all humans, make mistakes. So it’s sometimes the case that there may be an unrecorded or unreleased interest in your property that wasn’t properly documented.
•An easement is a right to use the land of another for a special purpose. For example, the city may have plans to build a sewer line sometime in the future. If the sewer line runs through the back of your yard, and if the city has an easement, this might cause your backyard to be dug up, or prevent you from building a pool. So, you always want to know beforehand if anyone has an easement on your property before you buy it.
•State, local, and federal authorities can obtain a lien on a home in cases where the owner has failed to pay taxes. If the owner sells the home without settling the tax lien, the tax authority can legally get the new homeowner to pay the original homeowner’s back taxes. And if the new homeowner fails to comply, they could lose their new home.

Don’t Let Any Of This Scare You, Though
It’s easy to protect yourself from these types of mistakes, fraud, and other complications related to obtaining a clear title to a property. It’s why you need title insurance. Title insurance protects YOU if someone challenges the title to your property because of title defects that were unknown when you purchased your home. It protects your claim to your property from potential problems caused by irregularities that may have occurred in the past.
We all need insurance because the unexpected happens. Owners title insurance is just like any other insurance, you hope you will not need it, but it is invaluable if you do. The good news is that title insurance is one of the most affordable forms of insurance—with a relatively low, one-time premium–that protects you against legal problems that could cost you tens of thousands of dollars, not to mention the possible loss of your home, from the day of settlement, into the future.
Seven Hills Has You Covered!
We are here for you. Seven Hills Settlement has a proven track record in obtaining unreleased mortgage liens and missing assignments that inhibit clear title. We do not rest until YOU can obtain clear title to your home!